Wednesday 24 January 2007

"Eclipse" By Pink Floyd

Haha! I drafted this ages ago on my lunch from work and totally forgot about it! This is a song by Pink Floyd - Eclipse, from their Dark Side of the Moon album. It is one of my all time favourite tracks from Floyd, but must be played after 'Brain Damage' (the song before on the album)
All that you touch
All that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
All that you love
All that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
All that you give
All that you deal
All that you buy
beg borrow or steal
All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say
All that you eat
everyone you meet
All that you slight
everyone you fight
All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
There is no dark side of the moon really.
As a matter of fact it's all dark.

Tuesday 23 January 2007

Dazed & Confused

This is a post I drafted ages ago but wasn't brave enough at the time to actually post it. Well Now (11/02/2007) I'm ready to post it.

Well, this is a side of me that even I don't see very often. I feel mixed up, confused, happy and sad. I'm feeling things I didn't even know existed until the past few days. Its hard being me right now, harder than some people I know may think, but I will battle on. I've come too far now to throw everything away, but SL can be a very cruel place, just like RL. The comparison in emotions between SL and RL is an immaculate similarity, but sometimes I feel that I feel more in my SL than RL, as more of ones self is put into SL, but also the gain is great too. Already I'm feeling better after writing this. I need my friends at the moment, as few of them as there are, but they have their own things to do, and yes sometimes I must take a back seat, though it hurts at times like this,feeling lonely. I am sitting by a small lake in Crescent, no one on the radar. Its a strange thing to just sit, in a region, by ones self and contemplate life. Things are changing fast for me, within me. I'm starting to want things, things I had no idea I would ever want, and even though they can taste bitter at times, nevertheless I want them. Whether or not I will get them I do not know, and whether or not I will like them, I also do not know. I am growing into my own person, far dissimilar to the RL me. I have taken on my own personality, my own feelings and my own thoughts. Time will be the only thing to guide me at the moment, and the path that is before me, well I hope I take the right turns, though I don't know where they are leading.

Sunday 21 January 2007

OMG!! The best party I have been to EVER!

Well this has got to be the best party I have ever been to in SL! - The opening of the Frisky Kitty Club -

Well I was kinda invited to the party in a kinda 'Get your ass over here!!' way, and oh boy am i glad i did! The party went on for a massive 13hours, with DJ Kai (<-- is a top DJ btw!) bang at it with the tunes! Well after some time it got a little raunchy hehe! I even did my first spot of pole dancing, and then, i couldnt help it but the clothes started to come off! OMG!!! I actually did that!!!!

After about 6 mugs of coffee (it did go on til about 12:00pm) I decided to leave at about 8:30am, slightly weary. WOOT! allnighter!! Oh and if you are bothered, I created a DJ Kai Fan Club!! HA! Look for it in groups if you wanna join!

I finally did it!

Hiya!!! Well I finally got round to creating my very own blog!!!

Well not much to say at the moment, but be sure to ckeck back for updates on my zany life in SL.